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The UvA Data Science Centre (DSC) seeks to accelerate data driven research within the University of Amsterdam. Part of that mission is to foster interdisciplinary research where new data science methods are developed to address the most challenging research problems.
Interdisciplinary PhD Programme

2023 Interdisciplinary PhD 'Lighthouse Call' 

The selected project for this call is the Human-Aligned Video AI Laboratory (DSC HAVA-Lab), which aims to define human-aligned video-AI, develop computable models, and examine the factors influencing its societal acceptance. This will be the Data Science Centre's first multidisciplinary laboratory, and under the call, the DSC will finance 7 PhD positions across all 7 UvA faculties. 

The HAVA-Lab is scheduled to open in March 2024. We are currently accepting applications for all 7 PhD vacancies until 22 December 2023. Click the button below for more information about the HAVA-Lab and the PhD vacancies. 

2021 Interdisciplinary PhD Call

The 2021 Call provides funding for PhD candidates to research new data science methods that help to tackle challenging problems in a given domain.  Interdisciplinary PhD projects are realised through joint supervision:  one supervisor with core expertise in data science methods, and the other supervisor with core expertise in the domain problem.