Pioneering research on Human-Aligned Video AI
The DSC HAVA-Lab will be established through the Interdisciplinary PhD programme initiated by the UvA Data Science Centre, part of the UvA Library. The mission of this first multidisciplinary laboratory is to define human-aligned video-AI, develop computable models, and examine the factors influencing its societal acceptance.
Video Artificial Intelligence (Video-AI) has shown immense potential for scientific exploration, business applications, and well-being. However the same video-AI is also accountable for problematic societal issues, such as the spread of misinformation, accidents caused by self-driving cars and mass-surveillance systems. This research programme emphasises the need to shift the focus from recognition accuracy to human-alignment, ensuring societal acceptance and responsible digital transformation.
The project will establish a laboratory that studies video-AI from a multidisciplinary perspective. This laboratory will be situated in the University Library Singel in Amsterdam (the main building of the University Library of the University of Amsterdam). The first PhD's will be able to use the lab from May onwards. The opening is planned for September 2024.
The research investigation team will consist of research investigators and PhD students from all 7 UvA faculties.