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The DSC aims to promote and strengthen the already established data science community at UvA. The UvA has many data science initiatives, with whom the Data Science Centre works closely. Check out the list below to find out more.

Bachelor of Computational Social Science programme

Launched in September 2022, this Bachelor’s programme teaches students how to develop sustainable and research-based digital interventions that contribute to solving complex social issues. The programme lies at the interface of social sciences, humanities and data science, and is currently offered by the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Humanities, and the Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. 

The Data Science Centre Coffee & Data programme features a new Computational Social Science expert speaker every month. Click here to see the full Coffee & Data programme

Civic AI Lab (CAIL)

A research lab for civic-centered and community-minded design, development and deployment of AI technology. The lab was co-created by the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Gemeente Amsterdam, ​Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Koninkrijksrelaties and ICAI.

ELLIS - unit Amsterdam

The ELLIS mission is to create a diverse European network that promotes research excellence and advances breakthroughs in AI, as well as a pan-European PhD program to educate the next generation of AI researchers. ELLIS also aims to boost economic growth in Europe by leveraging AI technologies. The Amsterdam unit is based within the Informatics Institute at UvA.

RPA Human(e) AI

The Research Priority Area Human(e) AI at the University of Amsterdam synthesises ongoing work and stimulates new research at the UvA on the societal consequences of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) in a wide variety of societal areas. These include news aggregation, cultural heritage, surveillance, and automated justice and cover fundamental research questions in history, sociology, law, ethics, communication, economics, medicine and psychology.

Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI)

ICAI brings together knowledge institutes, industry, and governmental and societal partners in the Netherlands to develop talent and technology in the area of artificial intelligence. ICAI has multiple building blocks, including ICAI Labs, Launch Pad and Venture Programme.

Science Sisters (SciSis)

SciSis is an interdisciplinary Dutch peer network of early career women working in academia and science.