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Launched in 2021, the Data Science Centre (DSC), part of the University Library, is a coordinating hub and facilitator for data-driven research within the University of Amsterdam.

Our mission is to enhance the university's research by developing, sharing, and promoting data science methods and technologies across faculties. The DSC strengthens data science expertise across all faculties, and propels greater innovation, diffusion and cross pollination of data science across the university. 

Our history and highlights so far:

Highlight reports:

Why data science is important:

Video interview with Dr. Tessa Blanken (behavioural scientist) and Prof. Peter-Paul Verbeek (Rector Magnificus)


The DSC celebrates diversity, and is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all its members and partners. We value a spirit of enquiry and cherish a diverse atmosphere of curiousity and creativity.

In our programmes and activities, we actively encourage applications and participation from women, people of colour, LGBTQI+ people, and members of other priority communities. The DSC is a supporter of the UvA’s Diversity Policy.