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Join us for a morning of hands-on workshops and knowledge building at our upcoming Data Science Day event on 13 October. This year's central theme is interdisciplinary data science collaboration.
Event details of Data Science Day 2023: Morning programme
13 October 2023
09:00 -13:30

Morning programme: Interactive Workshops (in-person only)

Time: 09:30 – 12:30 (walk-ins at 09:00), followed by lunch at 12:30 - 13:30  
Location: Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam (Google Maps link)
Registration details:

  • The workshops are free of charge, and lunch is included
  • Lunch will be at the nearby KNAW Het Trippenhuis, which is where the afternoon programme will take place
  • The workshops are open to UvA PhD students, researchers and employees only
  • As the workshops will be taking place concurrently, please only register for ONE of the workshops below

Workshop 1: Introduction to computer vision

In this workshop we explore the basics of Computer Vision. We will look into image processing, feature detection, and deep learning for image understanding. We walk through the historic advances of computer vision models, including basic Multi-layer Perceptrons, Convolutional Neural Networks, and finally the state-of-the-art Vision Transformer. The workshop offers you a hands-on introduction to implement these networks with the commonly used Python library for Deep Learning and GPU computing: PyTorch.

Pre-requisites for attendees: None.

Things you need to bring: Laptop, Google colab.

Workshop instructors: 

N. (Niklas) Müller

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group Brain and Cognition

M.W.F. (Max) van Spengler MSc

Faculty of Science

Informatics Institute

Workshop 2: A Shiny start - Build an interactive web application in R

The {shiny} package allows you to build interactive web applications (apps) based on R. Web apps are excellent tools for interactive data analysis and data visualization. To get a flavor of the possibilities you can have a look at some of the web apps that we have developed:

In the workshop we will build a shiny app from scratch. You will learn how to connect user interface lements (checkboxes, drop down menus) to the R-code and how to display the result on the web page. After the course, you should have sufficient skills to build your own app.

Pre-requisites for attendees: Basic knowledge of R and Rstudio.

Things you need to bring: Laptops with the latest version of R and Rstudio.

Workshop instructor

Dr. ir. J. (Joachim) Goedhart

Faculty of Science

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences

Afternoon programme: Pitch presentations and keynotes 

In the hybrid afternoon programme, we will explroe the possibilities of interdisciplinary data science. There will be keynote presentation by Prof. Gabriele Jacobs at Erasmus University, as well as pitch presentations and poster sessions showcasing the latest examples of interdisciplinary data science collaboration across the UvA. There will also be plenty of time throughout to connect with familiar colleagues and meet new people too.