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You are using a browser that is no longer supported by Microsoft. Please upgrade your browser. The site may not present itself correctly if you continue browsing. BV, a UvA spin-off based in Amsterdam, has received funding of €300,000 from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland. is developing a platform that deploys generative AI to extract insights from large amounts of audio data. an AI startup was founded in June 2023 by Pim Stouten and Paul Groth, researcher of the Informatics Institute of the UvA.

Pim Stouten and Paul Groth
Pim Stouten and Paul Groth

Online conversations such as podcasts and webinars are growing explosively, and are an increasingly important source of information for analysts, researchers and business decision-makers. This creates a new challenge: with thousands of hours of conversations relevant to your job, extracting those elements that are truly relevant solves this challenge by deploying state-of-the-art generative AI: from huge amounts of audio data, facts are both directly extracted and interpreted by AI.