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L. (Leon) van Wissen MA

Faculty of Humanities

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: F1.11C
Postal address
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications



    • Schnober, C., Smit, R., Kuruppath, M., Pepping, K., van Wissen, L., & Petram, L. (2024). Page Embeddings: Extracting and Classifying Historical Documents with Generic Vector Representations. In W. Haverals, M. Koolen, & L. Thompson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2024 (pp. 999-1011). (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 3834 ). CEUR-WS.


    • Baas, J., van Wissen, L., Reinders, J., Dastani, M. M., & Feelders, A. J. (2022). Adding Domain Knowledge to Improve Entity Resolution in 17th and 18th Century Amsterdam Archival Records. In A. Dimou, S. Neumaier, T. Pellegrini, & S. Vahdati (Eds.), Towards a Knowledge-Aware AI: SEMANTiCS 2022 — Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 13–15 September 2022, Vienna, Austria (pp. 90-104). (Studies on the Semantic Web; Vol. 55). IOS Press. [details]



    • van Wissen, L. (2019). 'Men wilde modern zijn, geen atheïst': Een topic-modellinganalyse van natuurwetenschappen en theologie in honderd jaar De Gids. In A-F. van der Meer, W. Schrover, N. Moser, & M. Onrust (Eds.), Naar het onbekende: Perspectieven op literatuur, cultuur en kennis (pp. 237-249). Uitgeverij Verloren.




    • Hilditch, J., Waagen, J., Huurdeman, H., Lanjouw, T., Opgenhaffen, L., & van Wissen, L. (2022). 3DWorkSpace - an open science/interactive tool for 3D datasets. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 34(67), 49. [details]


    • Hermenault, L. G. G. (Author), Coomans, J. (Author), & van Wissen, L. (Developer). (2021). Ghent: Medieval Public Health Measures viewer. Web publication or website



    • Aerts, J., & van Wissen, L. (2024). Letting Lives Live On: Integrating Life Narratives into a Bigger Web of Linked Urban GIS Data. Abstract from European Association for Urban History 2024, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
    • Nijboer, H. T., van Wissen, L., & Brouwer, J. (2024). The World of Janssonius: Using Linked Data to explore the network of a key actor in the creative industries of seventeenth century Amsterdam. Poster session presented at Digital Humanities Benelux 2024 Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
    • Pafort-Overduin, C., van Wissen, L., Condon, D., Kisjes, I., Treveri Gennari, D., & Noordegraaf, J. (2024). HoMER Vocabulary: Spaces of film consumption. 47. Abstract from History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    • van Wissen, L. (2024). From Archives to Insights: Leveraging Linked Open Data in DH Research Projects. Abstract from Digital Approaches to Cultural Heritage, Innsbruck, Austria.
    • van Wissen, L., & Petram, L. (2024). Click, See, Explore: A Multimodal Approach to Better Understand the Early Modern Colonial World through Old Maps. Abstract from Spatial Humanities 2024, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany.
    • van Wissen, L., Aerts, J., Koopmans, B., & Verheul , I. (2024). Amsterdam Diaries Time Machine: Connecting with LOD. Poster session presented at CIDOC 2024 International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Wissen, L., Petram, L., & Kuruppath, M. (2024). Integrating Museum and Archival Knowledge: A Case Study on the Cannon of Kandy. Poster session presented at CIDOC 2024 International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Wissen, L., Petram, L., & Schoonman, J. (2024). Bridging Text and Space: Leveraging the IIIF Presentation Standard for a Better Understanding of Early Modern Archival Material. Abstract from IIIF Annual Conference 2024, Los Angeles, California, United States.


    • Aerts, J., Koopmans, B., & van Wissen, L. (2023). Amsterdam Time Machine: Pilot Jewish History of Amsterdam. Abstract from Digital Humanities Benelux 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
    • Noordegraaf, J., van Wissen, L., Kisjes, I., & van Oort, T. (2023). A ‘glocal’ perspective on Dutch cinema cultures: Presenting the history of cinema-going through data stories. 32-33. Abstract from HoMER 2023 Conference, Mataró, Spain.
    • Petram, L., & van Wissen, L. (2023). GLOBALISE: Vlootschouw. Poster session presented at Vlootschouw van het maritieme verleden van de Lage Landen, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Petram, L., van Wissen, L., Arnoult, S., Berentzen, S., van den Berg, T., Bosse, A., Brink, F., Hids, M., Kuruppath, M., Land, R., Luthra, M., Nijman, B., Pepping, K., Tosun, M., Vellinga, H., Verkijk, S., & van Rossum, M. (2023). GLOBALISE: A Plurivocal Approach to Unlocking Colonial Sources. Poster session presented at Digital Humanities Benelux 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
    • van Wissen, L., & Vriend, N. (2023). FAIR Photos: Transforming a collection of two million historical press photos into five-star data. Poster session presented at CLARIAH Tech & Data Day, Leiden, Netherlands.



    • Huurdeman, H. C., Piccoli, C. B. M., & van Wissen, L. (2021). Linked Data in a 3D Context: Experiential Interfaces for Exploring the Interconnections of 17th-Century Historical Data. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2021 - “The Humanities in a Digital World,” Leiden, the Netherlands., Leiden, Netherlands.
    • van Wissen, L., Zijdeman, R., Mourits, R., Zandhuis, I., Petram, L. O., & Hollink, L. (2021). Linked Data on historical persons: publishability, interconnectivity and sustainability. Abstract from DH Benelux 2021: The Humanities in a Digital World, Leiden, Netherlands.
    • van Wissen, L., van Oort, T., Noordegraaf, J., & Kisjes, I. (2021). Cinema Context as Linked Open Data: Converting an Online Dutch Film Culture Dataset to RDF. Paper presented at 2021 Joint of the Poster and Demo Track and Workshop on Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twins, Semantics P and Ds 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    Prize / grant

    Talk / presentation

    • van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (5-11-2024). Better Understanding the Early Modern Colonial World through Old Maps, Open Maps Meeting, Den Haag.
    • de Kok, G. (invited speaker) & van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (13-9-2024). Layers of Annotations: Connecting Archives with Open Standards, The Future of Digital Humanities, Milan.
    • van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (28-5-2024). IIIF in erfgoed en onderzoek, Deel je beeld. IIIF: wat kan je ermee?, Amsterdam.
    • Verheul, I. (invited speaker) & van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (4-4-2024). Aan het juiste adres - De Amsterdam Time Machine, Aan het juiste adres, Amsterdam.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) & Vriend, N. (speaker) (30-11-2023). FAIR Photos, transforming a collection of two million historical press photos into five star data, CLARIAH Annual Conference, Utrecht.
    • van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (19-10-2023). Cinema Context in (linked) data driven research, How to use open data for your research -
    • van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) & Brugman, H. (invited speaker) (18-10-2023). GLOBALISE - IIIF Community Call, October IIIF Community Call.
    • Aerts, J. (invited speaker) & van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (17-10-2023). Developing and extending Amsterdam's location infrastructure for data linking and querying: The Amsterdam Time Machine approach, Reading Maps in a Digital Era, Antwerpen.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) & Vriend, N. (speaker) (28-9-2023). FAIR Photos, transforming a collection of two million historical press photos into five star data - Project update, CLARIAH Tech & Data Day, Den Haag.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) (25-5-2023). Beyond the Frame: Building a Virtual Poster Wall with Linked Open Data, FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission Workshop, Stockholm.
    • Li, W. (invited speaker) & van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (21-3-2023). The Montias Database of 17th-Century Dutch Art Inventories – Exploring 17th-Century Dutch Domestic Interiors Digitally, Frick Collection New York.
    • Nijboer, H. (invited speaker), Brouwer, J. (invited speaker) & van Wissen, L. (invited speaker) (3-1-2023). A Catalogue in Context: Unleashing the Research Potential of the STCN with Linked Open Data, Feestelijke lancering van de nieuwe STCN, Den Haag.
    • Dressen, A. (speaker), Burrows, T. (speaker), van Wissen, L. (speaker), Steward, J. (speaker), Daquino, M. (speaker), Rothman, N. (speaker) & Carboni, N. (speaker) (30-11-2022). Beyond Linked Data: Data Querying Services through API and SPARQL, A Roundtable, RSA Virtual 2022.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) (17-11-2022). CREATE Lab: CREATE-ing a scalable perspective on the urban past, Opening Humanities Labs, Amsterdam.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker), Nijman, B. (speaker) & Petram, L. O. (speaker) (10-11-2022). GLOBALISE - The practice of data model interoperability, Golden Agents/Data for History, Amsterdam.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) & Reinders, J. (speaker) (9-11-2022). Connecting Data of Archives, Libraries and Museums for historical research of the creative industries of Amsterdam in the 17th and 18th centuries, Golden Agents/Data for History, Amsterdam.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) (13-10-2022). Understanding the History of Early Globalisation and Colonialism, Data Science Day 2022, Amsterdam.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) (27-6-2022). Data modelling at the start of the GLOBALISE project (pilot), GLOBALISE Seminar June 2022, Amsterdam.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) (25-5-2022). Gebruiker aan het woord: Golden Agents, Symposium Omega - Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) (13-12-2021). Cinema Context and the EYE Poster Project: Linking Cinema Context to the EYE film poster collection, Preservation and Access (UvA), Amsterdam.
    • Nijboer, H. (speaker) & van Wissen, L. (speaker) (12-2-2021). Golden Agents, bekende en onbekende personen uit de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw, HackaLOD Online, Personen.
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker), Carretta Zamborlini, V. (speaker) & van den Heuvel, C. (speaker) (13-1-2021). Toward an ontology for archival resources. Modelling persons, objects and places in the Golden Agents research infrastructure., Digital History Berlin. Digitale Geschichtswissenschaften an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin..
    • van Wissen, L. (speaker) (23-11-2020). Information Extraction from Amsterdam Address Books, Time Machine Annual Conference 2020.


    • van Wissen, L. (organiser), Schoonman, J. (organiser), Verheul, I. (organiser), Coret, B. (organiser) & Aerts, J. (organiser) (17-10-2024). Amsterdam Time Machine Datasprint: Annoteren kun je leren!, Amsterdam. Hoe werkt dat eigenlijk, annoteren? Wat zijn manifesten en welke tools zijn er nu al beschikbaar om gedigitaliseerd materiaal te verrijken? Hoe kan (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Wissen, L. (participant) (13-10-2023 - 14-10-2023). Atelier TraderS, Paris (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Noordegraaf, J. (organiser), van Wissen, L. (organiser), Kisjes, I. (organiser) & Treveri Gennari, D. (organiser) (5-7-2023). HoMER 2023 Conference, Mataró. Workshop Identifying, Describing and Linking Film Data (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Petram, L. O. (organiser), van Wissen, L. (organiser), Tosun, M. (organiser), Land, R. (participant), Stapel, R. J. (chair), Wevers, M. (chair) & Schoonman, J. (chair) (15-5-2023). GLOBALISE Datasprint, Amsterdam. GLOBALISE organised a datasprint on places in the Indian Ocean world in collaboration with CREATE Lab. The goal was to collectively generate, curate, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Wissen, L. (participant) (14-10-2022). Laatmiddeleeuwse en Vroegmoderne Multimodaliteit, Den Haag. Deelname aan ronde tafel over de gevolgen van en wensen over multimodaliteit voor collectie-ontsluiting. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Noordegraaf, J. (organiser), van Wissen, L. (organiser), Kisjes, I. (organiser), van Oort, T. (organiser) & Pafort-Overduin, C. (organiser) (6-7-2022). HoMER 2022 Conference, Rome. Workshop Linking Cinema Data. An interactive workshop on bridging multiple cinema datasets through Linked Open Data. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Wissen, L. (participant) & Carretta Zamborlini, V. (participant) (3-2-2020 - 5-2-2020). Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums (LODLAM) summit 2020, Los Angeles. Challenge entry: Reconstructions and Observations in Archival Resources in the Golden Agents project (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • van Wissen, L., Aerts, J., Koopmans, B., Verheul, I., Rensen, M., Machine, A., Wilhelmus, L., Ufheil, L. & van der Kaaij, B. (12-12-2024). Amsterdam Diaries Time Machine - Data. Zenodo.
    • van Wissen, L. (13-10-2024). GLOBALISE Early Modern Map Collection. Zenodo.
    • van Wissen, L. (30-9-2024). GLOBALISE Early Modern Map Collection. Zenodo.
    • Hids, M., Brink, F., Berentzen, S., van den Berg, T., Pham, T., Nijman, B., van Rossum, M., van Wissen, L. & Kuruppath, M. (8-7-2024). GLOBALISE - Early Modern Polities in the Dutch East India Company Archives (1600-1815). IISH Dataverse.
    • van Koert, R., Pepping, K., Klut, S., Maas, M., Hids, M., Swüste, M., Bosse, A., Kuruppath, M., van Wissen, L., Petram, L. O. & van Rossum, M. (13-3-2024). VOC transcriptions v2 - GLOBALISE. IISH Dataverse.
    • van Wissen, L., Vriend, N., Nijssen, A., Vereecken, L. & den Engelse, M. (15-2-2024). FAIR Photos - CLARIAH FAIR Data Call 2023. DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities.


    • Petram, L. O., Bosse, A., van Wissen, L., Kuruppath, M., van Rossum, M., van Koert, R., Pepping, K., Maas, M., Hids, M. & Klut, S. (7-7-2023). VOC transcriptions - GLOBALISE. Dataverse.





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