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Prof. dr. M. (Marc) Salomon

Faculty of Economics and Business
Amsterdam Business School
Photographer: Jeroen Oerlemans

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: M4.27
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
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  • Profile

    Marc Salomon is Dean and Professor in Decision Science at the University of Amsterdam Business School (ABS) and Director/Founder of the MBA in Artificial Intelligence and several other programs that combine business and AI/Analytics. His research interests are in large language models and the fair, transparent, and ethical use of AI. He is also partner/founder of LetYourDataSpeak, a university spin-off that helps companies implement generative AI.

    Before joining the University of Amsterdam, Marc Salomon was COO at the law firm Stibbe (2004-2013), COO and Director of Research & Analytics at McKinsey & Company (1998-2004), director of the Center for Applied Mathematics at Rabobank (1996-1998) and professor in Operations Research at Tilburg University (1996 – 2005).

    Salomon holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Econometrics from VU University Amsterdam, a PhD in Business and Operations Research from Erasmus University Rotterdam, and an Executive Master's from INSEAD.

  • Publications


    • Cruijssen, F., Bräysy, O., Dullaert, W., Fleuren, H., & Salomon, M. (2007). Joint route planning under varying market conditions. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 37(4), 287-304.


    • Abbink, E., van den Berg, B., Kroon, L. G., & Salomon, M. (2004). Allocation of railway rolling stock for passenger trains. Transportation Science, 38(1), 33-41.


    • Hooghiemstra, J. S., Kroon, L. G., Odijk, M. A., Salomon, M., & Zwaneveld, P. J. (1999). Decision support systems support the search for win-win solutions in railway network design. Interfaces, 29(2), 15-32.
    • van der Laan, E., Salomon, M., & Dekker, R. (1999). An investigation of lead-time effects in manufacturing/remanufacturing systems under simple PUSH and PULL control strategies. European Journal of Operational Research, 115(1), 195-214.
    • van der Laan, E., Salomon, M., Dekker, R., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1999). Inventory control in hybrid systems with remanufacturing. Management Science, 45(5), 733-747.



    • Kroon, L. G., Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1997). Exact and approximation algorithms for the Tactical Fixed Interval Scheduling Problem. Operations Research, 45(4), 624-638.
    • Laan, E. A., & Salomon, M. (1997). Production planning and inventory control with remanufacturing and disposal. European Journal of Operational Research, 102(2), 264-278.
    • Overmeer, J. A. M., Corbett, C. J., & Salomon, M. (1997). Intractable problems in discussing OR practice at a scientific conference: Reflections on a panel discussion at EURO XIV. European Journal of Operational Research, 99(1), 197-206.
    • Salomon, M., van Wassenhove, L. N., Dumas, Y., & Dauzere-Peres, S. (1997). Solving the discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem with sequence dependent set-up costs and set-up times using the Travelling Salesman Problem with time windows. European Journal of Operational Research, 100(3), 494-513.


    • Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M., Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1996). The capacitated distribution and waste disposal problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 88(3), 490-503.
    • Zwaneveld, P. J., Kroon, L. G., Romeijn, H. E., Salomon, M., Dauzere-Peres, S., & Ambergen, H. W. (1996). Routing trains through railway stations: Model formulation and algorithms. Transportation Science, 30(3), 181-194.


    • Kroon, L. G., Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1995). Exact and approximation algorithms for the operational fixed interval scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 82(1), 190-205.
    • Thierry, M., Salomon, M., van Nunen, J. A. E. E., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1995). Strategic issues in product recovery management. California Management Review, 37(2), 114-135.
    • van der Bruggen, L., Gruson, R., & Salomon, M. (1995). Reconsidering the distribution structure of gasoline products for a large oil company. European Journal of Operational Research, 81(3), 460-473.


    • Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M., Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1994). On the coordination of product and by-product flows in two-level distribution networks: Model formulations and solution procedures. European Journal of Operational Research, 79(2), 325-339.
    • Cattrysse, D. G., Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1994). A set partitioning heuristic for the generalized assignment problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 72(1), 167-174.
    • Dijkstra, M. C., Kroon, L. G., Salomon, M., van Nunen, J. A. E. E., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1994). Planning the size and organization of KLM's aircraft maintenance personnel. Interfaces, 24(6), 47-65.
    • Kuik, R., Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1994). Batching decisions: structure and models. European Journal of Operational Research, 75(2), 243-263.
    • van Hoesel, S., Kuik, R., Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1994). The single-item discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem: optimization by linear and dynamic programming. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 48(3), 289-303.


    • Cattrysse, D. G., Salomon, M., Kuik, R., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1993). A dual ascent and column generation heuristic for the Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem with setup times. Management Science, 39(4), 477-486.
    • Kuik, R., Salomon, M., van Wassenhove, L. N., & Maes, J. (1993). Linear programmming, simulated annealing and tabu search heuristics for multi-level lotsizing with a bottleneck. IIE Transactions, 25(1), 62-762.
    • Salomon, M., Kuik, R., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1993). Statistical search methods for lotsizing problems. Annals of Operations Research, 41(4), 453-468.


    • Salomon, M., Kroon, L. G., Kuik, R., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1991). Some extensions of the Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem. Management Science, 37(7), 801-812.



    • Abbink, E., van den Berg, B., Kroon, L. G., & Salomon, M. (2002). Allocation of railway Rolling Stock for Passenger Trains. ERIM.


    • Laan, E. A., Salomon, M., & van Nunen, J. A. E. E. (1998). Reverse logistics and inventory control with product remanufacturing. In B. Fleischmann, J. A. E. E. van Nunen, M. Grazia Speranza, & P. Staehly (Eds.), Advances in distribution logistics (pp. 449-479). (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; No. Vol. 460). Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.


    • van der Laan, E., Dekker, R., & Salomon, M. (1996). Product remanufacturing and disposal: A numerical comparison of alternative control strategies. International Journal of Production Economics, 45(1-3), 489-498.
    • van der Laan, E., Dekker, R., Salomon, M., & Ridder, A. (1996). An (s, Q) inventory model with remanufacturing and disposal. International Journal of Production Economics, 46-47, 339-350.


    • Dijkstra, M. C., Kroon, L. G., van Nunen, J. A. E. E., & Salomon, M. (1991). A DSS for capacity planning of aircraft maintenance personnel. International Journal of Production Economics, 23(1-3), 69-78.
    • Salomon, M. (1991). Deterministic lotsizing models for production planning (revision of Ph.D. thesis). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.


    • Salomon, M. (1997). Operations research in Nederland: kansen en bedreigingen. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.
    • Salomon, M., Thierry, M., van Hillegersberg, J., Dekker, R., van Nunen, J. A. E. E., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1997). Distributielogistiek en retourstroomoptimalisatie. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, 13(2), 15-18.
    • Salomon, M., van der Bruggen, L., & Gruson, R. (1997). Routeplanningssoftware helpt bij beter ontwerp distributienetwerken. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, 13(13), 67-69.


    • Salomon, M., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1996). De invloed van retourstromen op distributie-, productie- en andere bedrijfsprocessen. Het ingenieursblad, 65(5), 63-73.
    • Thierry, M. C., Salomon, M., van Nunen, J., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1996). Strategic production and operations management issues in product recovery management. Fontainebleau (F): INSEAD.


    • Salomon, M., Thierry, M., van der Laan, E., Dekker, R., van Nunen, J. A. E. E., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1995). Wat is reversed logistics? (2). Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, 11(7-8), 48-52.
    • Salomon, M., Thierry, M., van der Laan, E., Dekker, R., van Nunen, J. A. E. E., & van Wassenhove, L. N. (1995). Wat is reversed logistics? Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, 11(6), 12-16.


    • van Wassenhove, L. N., Kroon, L. G., & Salomon, M. (1992). Exact and approximation algorithms for the operational fixed. INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique.


    • Kirca, O., Kuik, R., Salomon, M., Selen, W. J., de Kok, A. G., & van Donselaar, K. (Accepted/In press). Benders Decomposition Based Heuristic for the Hierarchical Production Planning Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 45(382-383).


    • Dikareva, A. (2024). Transforming customer care: Essays on channel migration strategies and predictive analytics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • de Boer, M. (2023). Trustworthy AI and accountability: yes, but how? What the EU AI Act’s approach to AI accountability can learn from the science of algorithm audit. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Wang, Q. (2019). Machine learning applications in operations management and digital marketing. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Zhao, L. (2018). Investigations of reward-based crowdfunding success: A marketing perspective. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]



    • Laan, E. A., Salomon, M., & Dekker, R. (1994). Production planning and inventory control for remanufacturable durable products. (Econometric Institute Report Series). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam.
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    • LetYourDataSpeak