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You don't want to miss this! Join us in a conversation focusing on Generative AI in People Analytics and HRM. There will be 3 amazing speakers - each will talk about the topic but from three different perspectives: Academic perspective, Industry perspective, and the Industry on Academic perspective.
Event details of Amsterdam AI & DSC: Exploring Generative AI in People Analytics and HRM
11 April 2024
15:30 -17:10
L3.35 (third floor)


Time Speaker
15:30 Walk In
15:45 Introduction Amsterdam AI and Data Science Centre
15:50 Talk #1 by Dr. Shuai Yuan (DSC member and Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam):
Revolutionize your HR daily work with GenAI? Promises and Challenges
16:10 Discussion
16:15 Talk #2 by Dr. Georgios Tsatsaronis (VP of Data Science Research Content at Elsevier)
16:40 Discussion
16:45 Talk #3 by Dr. Jakub M. Tomczak (Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, and Founder of Amsterdam AI Solutions):
Generative AI for the Industry: More than ChatGPT
17:05 Discussion
17:10 End of event 
Science Park 900 - Lab 42

Room L3.35 (third floor)
Science Park 900
1098 XH Amsterdam