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On Wednesday March 6, 2024, the University of Amsterdam and Elsevier are jointly organising a workshop on the Use of Large Language Models and the impact they have on teaching and research. Read more about this workshop.
Event details of Amsterdam Business School Workshop: Using Large Language Models in Teaching and Research
6 March 2024
10:00 -12:30


In this workshop Maud Pols (Microsoft), George Tsatsaronis and Alina Helsloot (Elsevier) and Michele Murgia (Erasmus University Rotterdam) will share their thoughts on the topic. George will talk about how LLM could help researchers formulate better research questions, find faster and better scientific information, and optimise the research process; Alina will talk about legal and ethical aspects of using generative AI in research and scientific publications; Maud will talk about how students and researchers could benefit from Microsoft’s new AI-assistant Copilote and Michele will talk on the Erasmian Language Model: the philosophy behind it and the challenges with the implementation of LLM at a university.


This half-day workshop will be open to everybody interested in using Large Language Models for education and research.  We discuss three case studies:

The opening of the workshop will be done by Michiel Kolman (Elsevier) and Marc Salomon (UvA).

After the presentations there will be a panel discussion.

Roeterseilandcampus - building I (CREA)

Nieuwe Achtergracht 168-178
1018 WV Amsterdam