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The purpose of this event is to facilitate collaborative discussions on the critical role of public-private partnerships in fostering innovation within the European AI landscape.
Event details of Adra-e: AI Regional Ecosystems - Leading in AI by building public-private partnerships
8 February 2024

By bringing together leaders from various regional AI ecosystems, the event aims to:

  1. Promote and explore the potential of public-private partnerships to advance AI innovation in Europe.
  2. Discuss best practices from different AI ecosystems across Europe (ICAI, FCAI, ELLIS).
  3. Delve into topics related to AI entrepreneurship, innovation, ethics, and transparency.
  4. Provide a platform for in-depth discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among participants.
  5. Shed light on the benefits and challenges of building strong partnerships within the AI ecosystem.

Registration is free of charge but mandatory.