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The Computational Social Science seminar series, organised in collaboration with the UvA Data Science Centre, features a new expert speaker every month. This month: Rens Wilderom, Core Lecturer of the Bachelor of Computational Social Science programme at UvA.
Event details of Computational Social Science seminar series: Rens Wilderom
14 November 2023
12:00 -13:00

How style impacts organization: modeling stylistic variations in the film art world

In this lunchtime seminar, Rens Wilderom will present the first findings from a new research project that uses the Internet Movie Database (iMDB) to model stylistic dynamics within genres of films.

The presentation will reflect on the process of collecting the data, analyzing them with computational methods, such as BERTopic, and it will consider next steps on how to investigate such stylistic dynamics in relation to network dynamics among those who participate in the production of films. 

B.R. (Rens) Wilderom

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programmagroep: Core Lecturers CSSci