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Besides a significant data analysis component, (data) science is also about storytelling. What story emerges from your results? And how do you communicate your insights effectively? In this workshop you learn to use narrative techniques to share your research in a captivating way.
Event details of Workshop Science and Storytelling
17 March 2023
10:00 -14:00
Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Using short interactive exercises, we help you determine your message and goal (spoiler alert: it’s never just ‘informing’ the public). We then zoom out to help you step into the shoes of your target audience, and teach you what steps you need to take to prevent your message from being misunderstood. We briefly address all aspects of science communication and how they can contribute to your impact as a scientist. 

We will cover what makes a good story, and you’ll start writing your own during this workshop. You will use your own data, tables and data visualizations as input, so by the end of the workshop you have a data-driven story based on the principles of storytelling. 

The workshop is in English. A free lunch is provided. 

Who is this workshop for 

This workshop is primarily for (data-) researchers and research support staff of the University of Amsterdam who are interested in learning how to reach audiences beyond academia. 

What will you learn 

  • What is the right communication output for your desired impact? 

  • What are stories, and how do they differ from the scientific narrative? 

  • What are the elements of a good story? 

  • How can you use stories to explain your research? 

Workshop instructor

Stephan van Duin is science journalist and author and co-owner of ‘The Online Scientist’. He has worked with scientists to shape their stories for over a decade. He is able to take position between your research and your audience, and to make you reflect on the steps you need to take to communicate effectively and bridge that gap. 

Time and location

Location: Room L 1.04 (max. 25 participants), LAB42, Science Park, Sciencepark 900, Amsterdam

LAB42 is the new hub for the development of talent in the field of Digital Innovation and Artificial Intelligence (AI), facilitating partnerships between students, researchers and businesses.

Time: 10.00-14.00 


Registration is free of cost, with prioritization to members of the Data Science Centre and UvA-researchers. 

Pre-requisites for attendees: No prior knowledge of storytelling is required. Participants must bring an example of data, tables or a visualization they want to use as a prompt for the interactive excercises. It is recommended that participants bring their laptop.

If you have questions, you can contact us at with the subject ‘Workshop Science and Storytelling, 17 March’.