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Affiliate Members of the DSC are data scientists, data engineers, and data science researchers currently working at UvA. All data scientists and engineers, both existing and new, are encouraged to join the DSC through the Affiliate Programme.
DSC Affiliate Member list

DSC Interdisciplinary Programme PhD candidates 

  • 2021 cohort
    DSC funded PhD candidates Project topic Collaborating faculties Contact details
    Stefanie Boss Legal compliance issues in decentralised systems Faculty of Law (FdR) and Informatics Institute (IvI)
    Jacobus Dijkman  Optimal CO2 conversion by inverse design Van‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS), Informatics Institute (IvI)
    Owen Kapelle Perceiving through the language lens: an interdisciplinary data-driven approach to language-perception interaction Department of Linguistics (FGw), Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS)
    Niklas Müller Building better vision models using pre-cortical inductive biases  Informatics Institute (IvI), Department of Psychology (FMG)
    Max van Spengler The GPU Dentist: Instilling Domain Knowledge in Deep Networks through Hyperbolic Geometry  Informatics Institute (IvI), Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA)
    Shuai Wang Innovation genome: Discovering the secret ingredients of successful innovations in the cultural industries and science using geometric deep learning and visual analytics  Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB), Faculty of Science (FNWI)
    Zeyu Zhang Natural Language Processing and Responsible Data Management for Mental Health Research Informatics Institute (IvI), Medical Informatics (AUMC) z.zhang2@uva.n
  • HAVA-Lab cohort

    Updates coming soon.